Zoom By Dilip Prabhavalkar Rs.150 Rs.135 In StockA collection of articles written in various publications about people, portrayals and other experiences - some from the world of showbiz, some from private life -…
Howzat By Dilip Prabhavalkar Rs.125 Rs.112 In StockA collection of selected articles originally written for the Marathi sports fortnightly, Ekach Shatkar, about the goings-on in the world of sports, with, an obvious predominance…
Eka Kheliyane By Akshar Prakashan Rs.350 Rs.315 In StockDilip Prabhavalkar writes about some of his significant roles out of the wide range that he has essayed in multiple media of Theatre, Television and Cinema.…
Bokya Satbande (Set 1 to 10) By Dileep Prabhavalkar Rs.900 Rs.765 In Stockबोक्या सातबंडे - सुप्रसिद्ध अभिनेते व लेखक श्री. दिलीप प्रभावळकर यांच्या मानसपुत्राचं हे नाव . बोक्या सातबंडे म्हणजे लहान मुलांच्या गोजि-या विश्वातला हिरो. त्याच्या गोष्टींतून लहान…
Bhavanik Budhimatta Ek Vyavsaik Margadarshan By Dilip Singh Charuta Puranik Rs.295 Rs.265 In Stock