Kiran Nagarkar's third novel Cuckold(1997) won him the Sahitya Akademi Award, since then it has been translated into number of languages and has become one of the most beloved indian novels. 'Pratispardhi' is the Marathi translation of this novel.'Pratispardhi' is a rare scintillating jewel of a book... Mr. Nagarkar has achieved an extremely difficult feat. His book is an epic in its scope and sweep, but an intensely personal and introspective look at the people and times.'Pratispardhi' is a work of a substance that exists on many levels and has much to say about our own times as it has about the past. It is an exploration of the nature of kingship and statecraft. It offers a fresh vision of sainthood. It questions sexual identities. It contains graphic depictions, deftly drawn, of the confusion and mayhem of the battlefield. It is a panegyric to the power of music. It plays on the theme of CUCKOLDRY with many a variation.And finally, a word about Nagarkar's language. He employs a distinctive yet unobtrusive narrative voice which comes as a welcome relief from recent novels whose styles call attention to themselves and trivialize the material in the process, whose relentless quirkiness soon become a bore. Likewise we have to thank him for the absence of magical realism, a device that has been flogged to death by every writer aspiring to be another Marquez.
About the Author
Kiran Nagarkar is one of the most significant writers of postcolonial India.He is an anomaly among Indian Writers in that he has written acclaimed novels in more than one Language.His first novel, SAAT SAKKAM TERCHALIS (translated into English as SEVEN SIXES ARE FORTY THREE,) was acritical sensation when it was published in 1974, quickly becoming recognized as one of the most important novels written in Marathi.His next novel, RAVAN AND EDDIE, begun in Marathi but completed in English , was not published till 1994, his third novel , CUCKOLD (1997) won the SAHITYA AKADEMI award. It has been translated into a number of languages and has become one of the most beloved contemporary Indian novels, both in India and in Europe.
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