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Shrimanyogi By Ranjit Desai Rs.480 Rs.432 In StockThis is a biographical novel on Shivaji Maharaj. This historical novel has created history in the world of literature and books. Shivaji Maharaj is the most…
Swami By Ranjeet Desai Rs.225 Rs.202 In StockSwami' by Shri Ranjit Desai is not just a landmark in the stream of Marathi historical novel but it is an epoch. Incidentally its publication in…Also available in: Swami
Abhogi By Ranjit Desai Rs.180 Rs.153 In StockWhat is life? It is a game of chance and choice. We often hear this saying. Have you given a thought to it? Have you concluded…
Adnyat Gandhi By Narayanbhai Desai Rs.200 Rs.150 In Stockअज्ञात गांधी अचंबित करणाऱ्या बापूकथा महात्मा गांधी माहीत नाहीट असा माणूस आपल्या देशात सापडणं विरळा. पण आपल्यासारखाच सामान्य माणूस ‘महात्मा’ कसा बनू शकतो, याचं कोडं आपल्याला…
Bari By Ranjeet Desai Rs.150 Rs.127 In StockThe' Barre ' Tribe Had Traditionally Lived In Thick And Beautiful Jungles. They Resorted To Dacoity And Theft In Nearby Localities For Their Living. They Hardly…Also available in: Bari
Vyavasaik Udyojakata (Paper III) By Prof Ravindra Kothavade Prof S V Kadvekar Rs.160 Rs.144 In Stock