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Bahinabai Choudhari Ek Chintan By Snehalata Chaudhari Rs.80 Rs.72 In Stockबहिणाबाईंची कविता म्हणजे एका निरक्षर स्त्रीचं अक्षर वाङ्मय. आचार्य अत्र्यांनी बहिणाबाईंच्या कवितांना बावनकशी सोनं म्हटलं आहे.या साहित्याचे संशोधन करताना स्नेहलता चौधरींनी संत बहिणाबाई आणि कवयित्री बहिणाबाई…
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Collective’ Energy By Bhagwan Datar Rs.199 Rs.169 In StockThey chose the field of IAS with a dream in their mind. In the changing situations the only constant thing was the desire for social welfare.…
Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw By Maj Gen Shubhi Sood Translated By Bhagwan Datar Rs.250 Rs.225 In StockThe book outlines his many achievements apart from his steadfastness in the face of adversity, his strength of character and qualities of leadership that distinguished him…